
MAP Background Information provided

204==Name: Dave Tate
Address: P.O. Box 2641
  Daly City, CA 94017

Telephone:(415) 613-9713        


Fees: $250 per hour
Other Costs:  $80 initial setup fee.
Fees: $250 Hour/negotiable

BAR Number:0000000

Current Status: Attorney

Subject Matter:
  • Accountings
  • Probate
  • Probate: Conservatorships, Guardianships & Elder Law
  • Probate: Estates & Trusts


San Mateo County Small Claims Court Mediator
Private mediator
Santa Clara County Settlement Judge Pro tem
Representing clients/parties in litigation and mediations for 20 years, approximately 14 of whcih have involved contested probate, trust, conservatorship, power of attoerney and elder care (nursing home, etc.) disputes.
Mediations between 2007 and early 2008: ongoing, long-time neughbor dispute regarding water runoff, fence and other issues; fee and in-kind payment dispute between building owner and a consultant hired to oversee remodeling construction; dispute between car rental service, auto reapir service and car driver over payment for repair to car that was damaged; post-sale dispute between seller of a business and the purchaser of the business; dispute between pool contractor and homeowner over work done, not done and payment; estate dispute involving alleged agreement to real property to remainder beneficiary and execute mutual Wills; constructive trust; dispute between auto repair service and automobile owner over work done, not done, and next step; home owner association dispute with multiple condo owners regarding responsibility for payment of water damages arising from broken water sprinkler; auto accident with property damage; dispute between furniture store owner and furniture purchaser over alleged defective furniture.

Foothill College Busineess 120, Dispute Resolution & Mediation, Marvin Schwartz, 35 hours.
Santa Clara County Superior Court mediatior trianing CPE seminar, 3 hours.
Small Claims Court mediator training, San Mateo County, 3 hours.


J.D., University of San Francisco School of Law
M.S. Taxation, Golden Gate University
M.S. Finance, San Francisco State University
Certified Public, California

I prefer beginning facilitative in the beginning of the mediation, becoming more directive with comments and suggestions to help the parties move toward resolution.

Please see my personal professional website,

I am a 20-yeard civil and probate litigation attorney, with mediation and mediator experience. In the probate area I have represented clients in a lot of emotional, hotly contested trust, trustee, estate, creditor claim, beneficiary, administration, investment, conservatorship, elder abuse, nursing home and elder care, family dispute, and power of attorney cases. I am also a Certified Public Accountant, and have a Master Degree in Taxation. Thus, I am experienced with accountigng and tax issues. For probate mediation purposes, I have a good understanding of party legal duties and reponsibilites; how to evaluate case and evidendiary issues, strenghts and weaknesses; and the variety of settlement options that will help lead to resolution. In the civil area I have handled real property and broker, insurance, subrogation, employment, accountant, product liability, property and casualty, business, banking, D&O and accountant cases. Please see my personal professional website for additional information
